
Minneapolis Green Party

The Minneapolis Green Party currently exists within the confines of the 5th Congressional District Green Party. A Minneapolis Green Party will focus on local organizing, with the detailed minutiae of Bylaws, Constitution, and Platform left in the hands of the 5th District.

We seek to elect candidates who will abide by the Ten Key Values. We also seek to hold accountable all those elected to public office, regardless of political affiliation.

In America, we have the unique situation of being in the longest lasting democracy and in the least democratic. Only in America are ballot-access laws written solely to exclude those outside the two-party system. Only in America are those outside the two-party system systematically ignored by the corporate media and not allowed in any form of debate.

As Greens, we know that going up against such corrupt power is not effortless. But based on our values, we strive to bring American democracy where it should be. We stand up while others choose to sit out. We do not allow the powers that be to crush the spirit of an America that can and should be.

Most Americans would like to vote Green, but feel they have little option but to vote for the lesser of two "evils." If you do that, as former Governor Jesse Ventura put it, "You're still voting for evil." Such a saying, even true, does not change the voting tendencies of many Minnesotans. So the Greens worked to pass Instant Runoff Voting ( IRV ) in both Minneapolis and Saint Paul. Our goal is to have IRV used in all elections, thereby eliminating any notion that a "spoiler" exists.

Given America's current predicament, one has two primary choices. One choice is whether to allow the power structure of the two main parties dictate the future of America and impose global agenda, leading us directly where are today. If you feel that the direction we are going is just fine, then this appears your favored option. The second choice is to work outside the given power structure, striving to move America and the world in a more sustainable direction. A world where we solve long-term problems now and prevent future conflicts through mindful resolve. As a global party committed to a healthier world, the Greens fit squarely in this choice.

Join the Minneapolis Green Party. We can promptly build a movement, starting right here in Minneapolis. Together, we can transform the America of today to the United States of compassion and wisdom.


-Kevin Chavis
5th Congressional District Chair